Director of Finance
27th February 2025
Closing Date
30th March 2025
Interviews Scheduled
w/c 28th April

Set in the heart of the South Downs National Park, West Dean is a complex charitable organization that is part of the Edward James Foundation. It encompasses West Dean College of Arts, Design, Craft and Conservation, as well as an extensive estate. This estate features a historic house and buildings, eleven functioning farms, over 100 cottages, a village with a shop, event venues, and visitor attractions. West Dean is also home to historic open gardens and parkland. Additionally, it houses a historically important and valuable arts collection and archive, featuring works from prominent 20th century artists and cultural figures. This diverse array of elements combines to create a unique and multifaceted institution dedicated to arts, conservation, and cultural heritage. The College also has a campus based in Bloomsbury, London, which is home to a number of the UK’s leading higher education institutions. The College provides an unparalleled education experience in a wide range of practice-based arts and crafts including conservation, fine arts, creative writing and design amongst many others. The College offers a wide range of programmes encompassing degrees, diplomas and a substantial portfolio of short courses that combine heritage with innovation and sustainability.
With a new Chief Executive and an ambitious vision of the future, West Dean stands at an exciting crossroads as the College embarks on a journey of growth and innovation both in Sussex and London. The Foundation comprises a community of over 300 staff and volunteers with an annual turnover of c£14 million. Subject to many of the same financial pressures faced by the education sector in recent years the College is however supported by assets in excess of £140 million and significant property and financial investments, and is well-placed to achieve its corporate ambitions backed by robust financial planning and operational efficiency. The new Director of Finance will be a key member of the executive leadership team, charged with shaping the College’s financial future and supported by a dedicated team of professional staff. They will have a number of priorities that include improved budgetary management and reporting, commercialization of activities, business case development and timely advice to academic and senior management.
The successful candidate will be a dynamic leader with strong financial acumen and strategic vision. A professionally qualified accountant with extensive successful management of equivalent services, you will also have proven experience of developing and delivering successful financial strategies and transformation. You will need to be able to balance traditional financial stewardship with innovative approaches to support the unique and complex environment of the Foundation and have an appreciation of the context and challenges faced by the education and charitable sectors. As a technical finance expert, you will also possess excellent interpersonal skills, be an inspirational leader and committed to the development of an inclusive and diverse environment.
How to apply
Applications should be made via email to and must include on separate documents:
- a letter of application setting out your interest in the role and details of how you match the person specification
- a comprehensive curriculum vitae (CV)
- details of three referees and notice period (referees will not be contacted without your permission)
- a completed Personal Details Form (available above)
The closing date for application is Sunday 30th March.
Formal interviews will take place on w/c 7th April and 14th April.
Final interviews will take place on w/c 28th April.
In making an application for this role we ask you also to view our Privacy Notice which outlines our compliance to General Data Protection Regulations and the use and storage of your data. Personal Data is held and processed on the lawful basis that such action is in the Legitimate Interest of the company in pursuing the purposes described and has been considered through the use of a Legitimate Interest Assessment utilising the Balance Test to not be outweighed by risks to the rights, freedoms and interests of the Data Subject.
Please note that our client is legally obliged to confirm that the appointee is eligible to work in the UK. As of 1 January 2021, government restrictions have changed. For further information visit the Home Office website at
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