Head of Computer Science and Mathematics
24th March 2025
Closing Date
15th April 2025
Newcastle under Lyme
Interviews Scheduled
12th June 2025

Keele University has international reach, a reputation for world-class research, high quality research-led education and an outstanding student experience. The University has invested heavily over the past 10 years in its campus and infrastructure, including a digital and data focused Innovation Centre (IC7). Keele is large enough to have high impact and profile, but small enough to sustain its commitment to community and individuals.
Our School of Computer Science and Mathematics comprises circa 35 academic staff and 950 students with a long standing tradition for teaching and research. As our next Head of School and active member of the Faculty Leadership Team, you will bring fresh thinking and a bold vision to deliver growth and enhance the student experience. You will be a transformative leader who encourages a high performance and innovative culture that positions students’ expectations at the centre and enables internationally recognised, impactful research.
To apply, you will be a computer scientist with successful leadership experience in an academic environment and a personal track record of research. As an all-round and inclusive academic leader, you will be equally committed to research, teaching and students, with the ability to motivate and inspire others. You will be a strategic thinker with a creative approach and excellent problem solving skills that will ultimately position the University of Keele as a market leader and destination of choice for home and overseas students.
For further information, contact Emma Wilkins at emma@dixonwalter.co.uk.
Keele University values diversity, and is committed to ensuring equality of opportunity, and to proper and fair representation across its senior decision making groups. In support of these commitments, the University particularly welcomes expressions of interest and applications from women and from individuals of black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds for this post.
Applications should be made via email to emma@dixonwalter.co.uk and must include on separate documents:
- a letter of application setting out your interest in the role and details of how you match the person specification
- a comprehensive curriculum vitae (CV)
- details of three referees and notice period (referees will not be contacted without your permission)
- a completed Personal Details Form (available above)
Closing date for applications is 5pm, Tuesday 15th April 2025
Longlist interviews with Dixon Walter will take place via Microsoft Teams week commencing 5th May (excluding the bank holiday)
Final interviews will take place on campus on Thursday 12th June
In making an application for this role we ask you also to view our Privacy Notice which outlines our compliance to General Data Protection Regulations and the use and storage of your data. Personal Data is held and processed on the lawful basis that such action is in the Legitimate Interest of the company in pursuing the purposes described and has been considered through the use of a Legitimate Interest Assessment utilising the Balance Test to not be outweighed by risks to the rights, freedoms and interests of the Data Subject.
Please note that our client is legally obliged to confirm that the appointee is eligible to work in the UK. As of 1 January 2021, government restrictions have changed. For further information visit the Home Office website at http://www.bia.homeoffice.gov.uk/workingintheuk
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